To learn about membership, please visit the member page.
We encourage online payments to help improve efficiency; online payments made by ACH have no transaction fees.
Members with Rakefet accounts can log in here to make payments for dues, Hebrew school tuition or donations and these will be automatically credited to your account. Please use this link to set up or log in to your account:
Members or friends of CSI who do not have accounts may use our open payment page to make payments. Please use the “Select Account” scroll-down option to designate what your payment is for:
You can also pay by check to “Congregation Sons of Israel Nyack”.
Please mail check and order form made payable to:
Congregation Sons of Israel
300 North Broadway – Upper Nyack, NY 10960
Donate Today - Make an Impact
We are deeply grateful and appreciate your support of the CSI Nyack community and ask that you consider a gift to the CSI Nyack Community Fund.
Your gift enables CSI Nyack to survive, thrive, and adapt to an ever-changing world. Your support of the CSI Nyack Community Fund will have an impact now and for generations to come, supporting social justice, education, and spiritual guidance.
“Tzedakah and acts of kindness are the equivalents of all the mitzvot of the Torah”
Jerusalem Talmud, Pe'ah 1:1.
Consider making a gift to a designated fund to commemorate a life cycle event. Your gift will add impact, allowing us to provide the best programming, services, social justice, learning, and spiritual opportunities for our members and all who connect with us.
Other Donation Options:
Siddur Lev Shalom: CSI Nyack is purchasing Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals for use in the sanctuary. A congregational bookplate is inserted into the book bearing the names of both the person honored and the donor. Donation of $36 per book is(Retail price is $49)
Tree of Life: Remember your simcha through the inscription of a leaf or a rock at the base of the tree, in honor of a loved one or friend’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding, graduation or other special occasions.
Brick Walkway: CSI Brick Walkway @ $125 per brick Bricks to be placed at the front entrance are $ 450 per brick PLEASE INDICATE EXACTLY HOW YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR BRICK(S) INSCRIBED PLEASE NOTE: • Message can be only 3 lines • 13 Characters per line • Your message can span more than 1 brick, should you desire to purchase a 2nd brick
Max Smith Golden Book: Order a Max Smith card, for: In Memoriam, Get-Well, Mazel Tov, Thank You or Thinking of You the Office to send Max Smith Golden Book cards for you: You may also open an account to pay for cards in advance. Please mail your payment, $5 per card, (Made payable to CSI Nyack) The Max Smith Golden Book is maintained by and in memory of Maxֹ Smithֹ z”l,ֹbelovedֹ husbandֹ ofֹ Ceilֹa Smith. You may browse through the books which are displayed in the synagogue lobby.