Congratulations on pursuing synagogue membership!
The decision to join a synagogue is monumental. We hope you have already experienced the warmth and positive energy that makes our community so special. We are a vibrant mix of Hudson Valley individuals, couples, families, empty nesters, young adults, and seniors.
Let CSI Nyack be your spiritual home, a place where you can celebrate holidays and Simchas and a gathering point of support during times of loss and suffering. We offer a broad spectrum of social events, community social justice work, and learning opportunities.
Membership Benefits
Our members are part of an authentic community where each individual makes a difference and helps shape the experience of fellow congregants and our collective future. By joining the synagogue, you are investing in yourself, your family, and your spiritual health. Each of us have personal motivations for choosing to affiliate with a synagogue. For many of our members, being part of an intergenerational community that is connected by the bonds of a shared history and a desire to participate in the continuity of our rich traditions and Jewish peoplehood, creates a powerful calling and sense of purpose.
Members receive admission to High Holy Days services, discounts for programs year round, discounted use of our facility for private events, a voice in the synagogue, use of our playground, eligibility for our Hebrew School, and access to celebrate your life cycles in our sanctuary/building and officiated by our Rabbi. Members also receive preferred pricing for cemetery plots in our cemetery, the Temple Israel Memorial Park in Blauvelt.
When you invest in synagogue membership, you are declaring that a maintaining a vibrant Jewish community in Nyack is important, and that you are taking ownership as a partner in co-creating the Jewish community you wish to have for yourself and your family. Family members who are not Jewish are welcome to be members, are encouraged to participate in synagogue life, including attending synagogue events, serving on committees, and attending services and our kiddush luncheons.

Membership Plans
For more information regarding fees, pricing or how to apply please email
All new Family and Senior Members will receive a 50% membership discount for their first two years.
$2,650 Dues per Year
Married couple/partners with or without children. Single children until their 23rd birthday are included in Family Membership.
Building Fund: $1,300 payable over 5 years. It starts at year 2 of membership.
$1,315 Dues per Year
Married couples/partners are under age 40 with no children in grade 3 or above.
It may be held for a maximum of 3 years.
It also terminates when either spouse/partner reaches age 40 or the oldest child reaches 3rd grade.
*Building Fund:$1,300 payable over 5 years. Starts at year 2 of membership but may be deferred until one spouse/partner is age 40.
$1,315 Dues per Year
Single Jewish adults with or without dependents.
Single children until their 23rd birthday are included in Individual Membership
*Building Fund: $1,300 payable over 5 years. Starts at year 2 of membership.
$2,500 Dues per Year
Congregants age 67 and over. For couples/partners, at least one spouse/partner must be 67 years of age or older.
*Building Fund:This does not apply.
$265 Dues per Year
Members of CSI who have relocated and are living beyond a 60-mile radius of CSI.
*Building Fund: This does not apply.
$150 Dues per Year (Per Young Adult)
Child of a current member who lives beyond a 30-mile radius (inclusive of NYC) from the synagogue is between 23 and 30.
$265 Dues per Year (Single)
$530 Dues per Year (Couple)
For 23 – 30-Year-Olds who live in the area. Separate rates for singles and couples, but those without children in grade 3 or above.
$525 Dues per Year / Couple See Associate Category
For 31 – 40-Year-Olds who live in an area with no children in grade 3 or above.
Credit for a Building Fund paid to another synagogue may be requested. Upon written confirmation from the synagogue to which the Building Fund was paid, credit of up to $590 may be given. A minimum obligation of $710 towards CSI’s Building Fund must be made. The member requesting credit must obtain a letter from the previous synagogue stating the exact amount paid to their Building Fund.
All Building Fund payments must be completed by the bar/bat mitzvah date of a family’s first child to become a bar/bat mitzvah in our synagogue.
Payment in full of the Building Fund has still required should the member leave the synagogue for any reason.