Social Action
Social action is deeply rooted in Jewish values.
Our tradition teaches us the importance of Tikkun Olam--or repairing the world.
Being engaged in issues of social justice and equity that affect our neighbors is of utmost importance to us as a progressive Jewish community. As such, we offer a robust social action program with impactful programs and ongoing relationships to enable our members to express their Jewish values--and teach these to their children--through community engagement.
Our social action platform centers around three central Jewish values:
Welcoming the Stranger (Hachnasat Orchim)
Feeding the Hungry (an act of lovingkindness, or Gemilut Hasadim)
Creating a More Just Society (Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof)
We live these essential values through a series of year-round events and activities organized by members of our social action committee, often in partnership with other community organizations. Click on the topics above to learn more about our social action programs.
Updates and Save-the-Dates from the Social Action Committee
Rockland Jews for Immigrant Justice (RJIJ)
August meeting (Zoom): 8/19/24 @7pm. Email the office if you wish to receive the Zoom link.
Proyecto Faro 2nd Annual Unity Walk
September 29, 2024, 10am-4pm @ Stony Point Center Campus. Walk with Team CSI to raise money for Proyecto Faro. Register as a walker or donate here! https://go.rallyup.com/unitywalk2024/Campaign/Details
(Rain date: October 6)