We welcome members of our community to get involved in whatever ways they are able. To explore any of the opportunities below, please get in touch.
If you have a few hours, you can:
Volunteer at the Purim Carnival
Assemble and deliver Mishloach Manot on Purim
Sponsor kiddush
Greet worshippers on Shabbat
Host a Shabbat dinner with the Friday Night Dinner Club
Volunteer at the CSI booth at the Nyack Street Fairs
If you can work from home, you can:
Write! - for the newsletter or website any suggestions for the website please email: CSINyackTech@gmail.com
Contact new and prospective members for the Membership Committee
Help the Finance Committee
Host a Shabbat dinner
If you like to work with your hands, you can:
Shop for or help cook our weekly Shabbat kiddush lunch
Help out with repairs with the House Committee
Help build the Sukkah
Help BBQ at the Lag B’Omer BBQ
Help care for our Giving Garden
If you find meaning in ritual and Jewish study, you can:
Lead services or read Torah or Haftarah at one of our services
Join the Chesed Committee and assist congregants who are sitting shiva
Lead a study group, or tutor someone looking to learn Hebrew or Jewish knowledge
Be a resource for Jews by choice and other adults learning about Judaism at a beginner level
Plan and promote advanced Jewish learning and other learning events
If you are a performer, you can:
Join in the annual Purim Sing-Along
Play a musical instrument at Friday evening services during the summertime