Francine Recine Francine Recine

Shabbat Message from Rabbi Ariel Russo

Join us this week for mitzvot, revelry, megillah, hamantashen, and a pretty spectacular party as we cultivate joy and celebrate the highs. We also give generously to Purim because we know that things change quickly and that others are in crisis while we celebrate.

Week of March 11, 2022

We read in Megillat Esther this week that  “grief turned into joy, a day of mourning into a day of celebration.” (Esther 9:22). 

Purim underscores the reality that life can change without warning.  While we normally assert the illusion of control, Purim reminds us that both joy and pain may be right around the corner.  We lean into this reality on Purim with revelry.  We respond to the fragility of life with drinking, masking, and partying (and CSI has an epic party planned for #PurimFest this year).    

Lest we despair with the knowledge that we live on the edge and a crisis may be right around the corner, Purim has more wisdom for us.  Of the four mitzvot associated with the holiday including, hearing Megillat Esther (Wednesday night at CSI), Mishloah Manot (I hope you have received yours by now or will soon), Seudat Mitzvah (feasting), and Matanot L'evyonim (sending gifts to those in need).  I want to focus on Matanot L'evyonim right now because we are in a crisis.  The news from Ukraine is devastating.  We heard meaningful and heartbreaking stories from our guests who fled the Taliban last Shabbat.  Another response to the capriciousness of life is to give generously.  Purim reminds us of what we already know and sometimes push aside.  

Join us this week for mitzvot, revelry, megillah, hamantashen, and a pretty spectacular party as we cultivate joy and celebrate the highs.  We also give generously on Purim because we know that things change quickly and that while we celebrate, others are in crisis.  

  • Wednesday, March 16, 2022 - Erev Purim!

    • 6:00 pm Astonishing Andrew Magic Show

    • 7:00 pm Purim Shpiel and Megillah Reading

  • Sunday, March 20, 2022 @ 3 - 5 - Purim Fest 

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Russo 

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